Document Type : REVIEW PAPER


1 Department of Environment and Sustainable Development, Municipality of Tehran

2 Department of Plan and Budget of Municipality of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

3 Waste Management Organization of Municipality of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

4 Department of Environment and Sustainable Development, Municipality of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


Recently, literature around the theme of collaborative management research has grown considerably. According to the definition of collaborative management research, two components are connected to each other in this context; managers of organizations and academic researchers. In literature, many authors claim that the relationship between these two components could lead to significant advantages for both of them. On the one hand, managers can learn more about new methods of handling complex systems, and on the other hand, researchers can have a chance to recognize new theories and develop their knowledge through this collaboration. Some authors argue that collaborative research not only leads to an increase in knowledge production, but also encourages knowledge sharing among the participating researchers. Therefore, knowledge production is an important issue in collaborative management research. In literature, many authors claim that the quality of knowledge production through collaborative research is higher than in non-collaborative cases. With the view of making collaborative management research more valuable, knowledge production could play an important role in three issues related to enriching collaborative management research; namely rigor, reflection and relevance. The issue of knowledge production has been a controversial and much disputed subject within the field of collaborative management research. In this paper, some studies are reviewed in order to find out the effect of collaborative management research on knowledge production. Moreover, the pattern of collaboration in knowledge production is also discussed.


Main Subjects


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