Document Type : REVIEW PAPER


Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia


This study aims to analyze the structure of growing publications on Islamic leadership and its contribution to organizational effectiveness and long-term success using bibliometric analysis with VOSviewer. The sample population comprised all publications of the Scopus database from 2010 to 2023. In addition, a total of 244 publications were selected for bibliometric analysis and visualization, including original study articles, book chapters, reviews, conference papers, and other forms of literature written in English. The results showed the presence of three clusters, namely red (Indonesia, Malaysia, Egypt, and United Arab Emirates), green (United States, Iraq, Syrian Arab Republic, and Turkey), and blue (Iran, Israel, and China). These clusters represented regional cooperation in the exploration of Islamic leadership publications and their implications for organizational development. The results also showed that Islamic leadership was most commonly applied in education, psychology, community and health care, school, and government sectors. In addition, it was shown to be frequently related to trust, job performance, motivation, decision-making, job satisfaction, and empowerment. Islamic leadership placed great emphasis on motivation and job performance, as it ultimately recognized the importance of productive and purposeful work in employees' lives and society's overall well-being. Based on these results, Islamic leadership supported employees in achieving healthy work-life integration by encouraging time for family, worship of Allah (the God), and personal well-being.


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 Tehran Urban Research and Planning Center: Tehran Municipality




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