
1 Department of Public Administration, College of Management, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran

2 Department of Public Administration, College of Management and Economics, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Human Resource Architecture, one of the components of organizational architecture, is the process of identifying and combining the appropriate elements of human resource management to create and present a vision of human resources in the organization. Organization in which there is a coordination between employee behavior, human resource systems, resource activities, and the mission and goals of the organization. Governance is also an economic and political means of exercising power in a country's economic, political and social institutions, or as a set of traditions and institutions in which a sovereign operates, or for managing all relationships, and is defined as an executive term at all levels. The purpose of this study is to investigate the architectural performance of human resource management in municipalities.
METHODS: This study is quantitative and developmental research. In this study, non-interactive method and thematic analysis of documents were used. Initially, 30 documents were identified and examined, and then the text reading table using the Scopus index identified 7 fully related documents. Next, three open, axial and selective encodings are performed on the specified documents. MAXQDA2020 software was used for data analysis. Then, to verify the validity of the identified components of the cryptographic output, its validation was performed using a distribution of 75 questionnaires among middle and senior managers of the Municipality of Tehran, using LISREL software.
FINDINGS: Considering the coding, finally, human resource architecture with a governance approach in four dimensions (partnership and network governance; contractual and joint governance from above; outsourcing and job-oriented governance and hierarchical and knowledge-based governance) and 15 components of the category was classified. In partnership and network governance, the most repetition in component-related documents emphasizes on joined-up management (5 repetitions) and in contract and partnership governance, the most repetition is related to the commitment and accountability components (5 repetitions) and outsourced and job-oriented government with private component. (6 repetitions) and hierarchical and knowledge-based governance with an internalization component (4 repetitions). Based on the findings of confirmatory factor analysis, only the internalization component (T-Value <1.96) was not approved in the Municipality of Tehran.
CONCLUSION: From the coding, it is finally concluded that the human resource architecture with a four-way governance approach  of the partnership and network architecture; contractual and joint governance from above; Outsourcing and job-oriented architectures as well as hierarchical and knowledge-based architectures have  the most iterations in the reviewed literature.


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