
1 Department of Administration, Sconce and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Management, Police Science University, Tehran, Iran


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The use of job turnover as a strategic management approach has become crucial in the progression of human capital and in enhancing the effectiveness and output of organizations. This has been widely recognized through scientific studies. With the significance of this matter in mind, the objective of this study is to investigate how the departure of employees from their jobs impacts the efficiency of the Ministry of Education in Iran.
METHODS: The present study was conducted via a survey methodology. The statistical population comprising all individuals employed by the Ministry of Education encompassed a total of 1500 employees. The size of the sample was ascertained utilizing Morgan's table of 306 individuals and cluster sampling. Furthermore, to ensure the sufficiency of the sample, Bartlett's test was employed. The research data was acquired through a comprehensive analysis of the relevant research literature and a researcher-designed questionnaire consisting of 74 items rated on a Likert scale. The validation of the questionnaire was verified by esteemed scholars and experts with a minimum of 5 years of experience in the fields of management and academic research, whereas the reliability of the data was ensured by conducting a test to confirm the construct reliability. A series of measures were obtained, with a minimum measure value of 0. 7, and a variance of each construct exceeding 0. The statistical data was subjected to analysis by means of the employment of SPSS version 28 and Lisrel version 11 software applications.
FINDINGS: The present study's findings demonstrate significant correlations between various aspects of the job turnover process and organizational productivity. Specifically, the analysis showed strong positive associations between job turnover at the individual (r = 0. 71), intra-organizational (r = 0. 82), and extra-organizational (r = 0. 65) levels and the dimensions of efficiency (r = 0. 84) and effectiveness (r = 0. 89) of the organization. There exists a noteworthy correlation with the Iran’s Ministry of Education.
COONCLUSION: The current study indicates that the job turnover phenomenon, as it pertains to individual, intra-organizational, and extra-organizational levels, exerts an impact on the productivity, efficiency, and overall organizational effectiveness of the Ministry of Education. Moreover, the simultaneous occurrence of job turnover in all three dimensions enhances its effectiveness.


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