
Planning, Human capital development and Council Affairs department, Tehran municipality, Tehran, Iran


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Excellence models are essential for organizations to improve performance. Deming Prize, Canada Awards for Excellence, Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, and European Quality Award are the most well-known excellence models worldwide. These models do not present any mathematical model in accordance with a comprehensive step-by-step roadmap for implementation. Moreover, they are general models and have not been customized for a specific organization. So, this article presents a comprehensive, graphical, step-by-step roadmap to implement an excellent model for Tehran Municipality that is elevated by Technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution and analytical hierarchical process to make decisions by mathematical analysis.
METHODS: Different excellence and performance models have been studied, and then an excellence model for deputies of Tehran Municipality is designed. Also, an Analytical hierarchical process for weight extraction and a Technique for order of preference by similarity to an ideal solution for ranking is applied.
FINDINGS: A novel excellence model for deputies of Tehran Municipality has been developed. Strategies, goals, objectives, targets, critical success factors, and general, proprietary, and transaction indexes are defined. Analytic hierarchy process  calculates weights of indexes based on arbitrary data, and results are presented in 11 Tables. The most important index was the proprietary index, with a weight of 70% for the deputy of technical and construction. The less important index was the general index for the deputy of planning, human capital development, and council affairs, weighing 8%. Moreover, deputies of Tehran Municipality have been ranked by TOPSIS. The best deputy got 71%, and the worse got 7% scores.
CONCLUSION: This study constructed a customized five-step excellence model for Tehran Municipality to reach excellence. The model can help Tehran Municipality for better urban planning. Step one constructs the performance assessment team. Step two extracts indexes by brainstorming method with the help of the European foundation for quality management model. Step three collects, cleans and loads the data in the data warehouse. In step four, weights of the indexes and facets are calculated based on AHP, and then facets, indexes, and goals are ranked by technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution as an effective multi-criteria decision making tool. Finally, the model has been implemented at offices of plan monitoring, project control, and performance evaluation in planning, human capital development, and council affairs department at Tehran Municipality.


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Tehran Urban Research and Planning Center: Tehran Municipality


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