
School of Business and Management, Christ (Deemed to be University), Bangalore, India


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: An employee's satisfaction and performance are linked to the company's work discipline, personal factors, and organizational culture. This paper studies these three factors in the context of Information Technology companies and their connection to employee satisfaction. Job satisfaction is a significant issue in Information Technology Companies, leading to increased labour turnover in Information Technology Companies. The study highlights the relevance of Information Technology companies to understanding the reasons behind their employees' satisfaction. Until now, little is known concerning the variants of job satisfaction among Information Technology employees, enriching the understanding in this particular professional area. The study was conducted to assess the job satisfaction needs of the employees in major Information Technology companies. The study helps to know the preferences and problems of the employees.
METHODS: In this study, data was collected from employees from various Information Technology companies to uncover the factors that impact the satisfaction of employees. Considering the study's goal and the literature review, the technique was analytical and interpretive. Due to large populations random sampling method is convenient for the study. The study's objectives were achieved explicitly via the questionnaire's design. To test the proposed hypotheses, all data were processed using the Structural Equation Modelling, Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) and Analysis of Moment Structures.
FINDINGS: Information Technology companies need their employees to feel satisfied to achieve the overall objectives and remain loyal to the company to achieve company success. From the responses, we learned that 31% of the respondents were satisfied with their employer about the various allowances and benefits they receive. Also, we knew that around 50% of the respondents were happy with their choice of the company because of its future commitments. 102 of the respondents highly disagreed that they were satisfied with the attitude and nature of their employees. Also, 22.26% of the male respondents have said they are only sometimes motivated to go to work. The limitation of this study was that the collected data was only of the general employees of the Indian Information Technology companies and not to specific departments of those companies. Also, no categories of companies were defined as per turnover.
CONCLUSION: By recognizing the importance of job satisfaction, managers can create an environment that motivates and engages employees, leading to better performance, increased productivity, and reduced employee turnover.


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Tehran Urban Research and Planning Center: Tehran Municipality

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