
College of Arts and Sciences, Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology, Philippines


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The accreditation process is pivotal to ensuring high educational standards, but it often faces various challenges. The innovative study seeks not only to identify these hindrances in the accreditation process within Philippine educational institutions but also to map out the countermeasures employed. The study uniquely delves into the perceptions of diverse stakeholders - administrators, faculty, staff, and students - providing a comprehensive, multi-perspective view of the barriers to accreditation. The objective is to explore these perceptions, assess their alignment, and thereby create a more effective, stakeholder-informed strategy for accreditation processes. This novel approach is designed to optimize institutional performance and bolster educational quality, marking our study's distinctive contribution to the field.
METHODS: A descriptive survey method was employed in this study. The sample comprised administrators, faculty, staff, and students from various schools. A self-constructed questionnaire that was validated and were to gather data on hindrances faced by the schools during the accreditation process, and the measures taken to address them. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the data, and ANOVA was performed to identify any significant differences in the perceptions of the respondents.
FINDINGS: The results revealed several categories of hindrances, with administration, faculty, instruction, laboratory, library, and physical facilities emerging as the key areas of concern. Financial aspects in administration and faculty development programs in the faculty category were the most significant hindrances. Other notable hindrances included measuring student progress in the instruction category, sufficiency of facilities in the laboratory category, organizational structure of libraries, and room lighting in the physical plant category. No significant differences were found in the perceptions of administrators, faculty, staff, and students regarding accreditation hindrances, indicating a shared understanding of these challenges.
CONCLUSION: This study examines the hindrances to accreditation and the steps educational institutions have taken to overcome them. Prioritizing these challenges is vital for continuous improvement and educational quality. Investment in competent administrators and funding is crucial for problem-solving. Creative service formulation aids in overcoming hindrances and achieving accreditation. The study provides insights into stakeholders' perceptions of accreditation challenges, helping schools enhance performance and reputation, benefiting students and the broader community.


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