
College of Management and Business Technology, Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology, Philippines


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: One of the key indicators in the evaluation of service quality is the execution of a Quality Management System (ISO 9001:2015) and the success of any organization lies in its ability to effectively manage its resources. Human resources play an integral role in this process, and their contribution to quality management systems is invaluable. This study described the profile of the respondents in terms of age, sex, working experience, employee position, and sector of an organization. This study also assessed respondents' attitudes toward hiring and selection, compensation and rewards, and training and development. Additionally, this study tried to establish a strong correlation between the respondent profile and their attitudes regarding education and training, recruitment and selection, and compensation and rewards.
METHODS: This study used a descriptive quantitative method. A total of 150 employees of the ISO 9001:2015 certified service sector within the Cities in Nueva Ecija were surveyed using a survey questionnaire.
FINDINGS: Findings present 40% of the respondents came from Generation Y and 26.67 respondents from Generation Z.  The respondents' attitudes toward the training and development practices of various service firms found that the highest mean of 3.52 representing a distinct plan for learning and development and encouraging employees to participate in relevant training programs got the second-highest weighted mean of 3.47. Having a criterion to measure the effectiveness of the training got the lowest weighted mean of 3.09. This study also determines the attitude of the employees on recruitment and selection practices of their respective organizations. Filling up vacancies with internally qualified employees got the highest weighted mean of 3.32 followed by informing the applicants about the job conditions needed to achieve a job before hiring, Furthermore, the posting of job advertisements got a weighted mean of 2.19. Lastly, the respondents' attitude toward rewards and compensation practices showed the highest score of 3.59 that Employees are encouraged to accomplish the company's goals by their compensation packages. Other rewards and compensation practices include satisfactory rewards and compensation system, salary satisfaction, rewarding employee collaboration, and reviewing salary increments, bonuses, and other allowances fairly and justifiably with a weighted mean of 3.37, 3.32, 2.85, and 2.77, respectively.
CONCLUSION: The results show that specific practices of Human Resource Management, which have been identified, are crucial to improving organizational performance since they contribute to the success of businesses.

Graphical Abstract

Human resource lens: perceived performances of ISO 9001:2015 certified service firms


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Tehran Municipality: Tehran Urban Research and Planning Center


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