
1 School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran

2 School of Architecture & Environmental Design, IUST, Hengam Street, Tehran, Iran


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Making society resilient is considered a critical and challenging issue in mental health planning or stress-relieving urban planning. However; although in recent years, many studies have separately addressed stress and urban resilience, no study has explained the relationship between the two. Therefore, the present study aims to explain the relationship between urban stress and urban resilience in the Region 8 of the District 1 of Tehran Municipality.
METHODS: This study is applied descriptive-analytical research. The required data are collected using both quantitative and qualitative methods and analyzed by regression analysis. First, using the library method, the indicators of urban stress and urban resilience were identified, then the study sample was selected using these indicators and the Delphi method. After; that, the information related to the indicators was collected using questionnaire and library methods, and finally, the relationship between urban stress and urban resilience was investigated through multivariate regression.
FINDINGS: The research findings indicate a high correlation between the two abovementioned concepts (correlation coefficient= 0.925). Moreover; the adjusted R2 shows that resilience indicators explain 83% of the total variations in urban stress. Also; the most critical indicators affecting the citizens' stress include the status of open space, gender structure of the population, permeability, average building density, education level, resident participation, spatial diversity, citizen's sense of belonging, social diversity, violence, crime, the safeness of the environment, social capital, social solidarity, the strength of buildings, vulnerability to natural hazards, income status, employment status, environmental pollution, access to services, the age structure of the population, and safety, respectively.
CONCLUSION: it is possible to significantly reduce urban stress by enhancing urban resilience and paying attention to its effective indicators.


Main Subjects


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Tehran Urban Research and Planning Center: Tehran Municipality

Dykas, M.J.; Goplen, J.; Ewart, C.K.; Gump, B.B., (2021). Early adolescents’ risk-taking propensity, urban stress, and affiliation with risky peers. J. Early. Adolescence., 41(5): 683-699 (17 pages).


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