
Department of Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, University of Sistan and Blouchestan, Zahedan, Iran


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Social commerce is a subset of electronic commerce and refers to transactions that are conducted through social commerce media. Social commerce creates new channels for consumers that improve not only their purchasing decisions but also their shopping experiences. The attitude of consumers is one of the factors that influence the behavioral intention of consumers. As long as the customer does not have confidence in the social business, he does not want to buy, and the trust that the buyer gains is based on the information, knowledge, transparency and capabilities that social business provide to customers. So, this paper aims to investigate the moderating role of attitude toward purchasing in the relationship between knowledge-based trust and citizens' social commerce and for this purpose, citizens of the east and southeast of Iran are considered as the case of study.
METHODS: In terms of purpose, the present study is applied and based on the nature and method, it is descriptive-survey. The statistical population of the present study consisted of 361 citizens of the east and southeast of Iran who use social network and were selected by random sampling. Required data were collected by a questionnaire whose validity and reliability were confirmed and analyzed by structural equation modeling and partial least squares method.
FINDINGS: Cronbach's alpha, composite reliability and Spearman correlation coefficients were greater than 0.7 and Communality was greater than 0.5, which indicated the high reliability of variables in the model. Also, the Average Variance Extracted square root of all variables was greater than the correlation of them with other variables. So, Discriminant validity of the model was appropriate. Average Variance Extracted was more than 0.5, which indicated the appropriate convergent validity of the variables. According to T-value, knowledge-based trust had a significant and direct effect (0.745) on citizens' social commerce. Knowledge-based trust explained 55.5% of changes in citizens' social commerce. According to T-Value, the attitude toward purchasing had a positive (+0.106) reciprocal role in the relationship of knowledge-based trust and social commerce.
CONCLUSION: The findings showed that knowledge-based trust plays a positive role in social commerce; So, strengthening knowledge-based trust can lead to improved social commerce. Also, the attitude toward purchasing is positive moderator in the relationship between knowledge-based trust and social commerce; So, in order to change from a weak attitude to a strong attitude toward purchasing, the relationship between knowledge-based trust and citizens' social commerce is strengthened.


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Tehran Municipality: Tehran Urban Research and Planning Center



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