
1 Department of Science Laboratory Technology, Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo, Ondo State, Nigeria

2 Department of Industrial Chemistry, Federal University, Oye - Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Optimization of bitumen with Polymer modification such as a shredded tier, which serves as a waste in the environment has been used for road pavement to minimize common failure mechanisms associated with roads. The objectives aimed at using a shredded tier to modified bitumen (STMB) in ratio10:90, 20:80, 30:70, 40: 60, and 50:50, from Shredded tier were added to bitumen from Agbabu and Loda to study their performances when applied in the construction industry.
METHODS: Bitumen, which was obtained from Odigbo and Irele Local Government Area of Ondo State, Nigeria, was mixed at 3000C for two hours at different proportion with a shredded tier. Characteristics such as Penetration, Viscosity, melting point, marshal Stability, specific gravity and mechanical properties were determined.
FINDINGS: Marshall Stability (kg) at 600C increased with an increase in shredded tier modified bitumen from10% to 40% improved performance in both modifications and reduced in a 50% increase. This indicated that the increased in shredded tier reduced the measured value of penetration after the attainment values of 40:60 blends. This interaction between the bitumen-tier blends has a penetration value adequately agreed with the predicted value by the penetration index model. The rheological properties from different proportions at temperatures ranging from 450C to 650C at 40% modification were observed to have the least rutting parameter at 3.9 (G*/Sin δ (kPa) in Agbabu and 2.91(G*/Sin δ (kPa) in Loda for defects accountable to paving deformation and ageing as there was a decrease in the rutting parameter with the increase in temperature generally.
CONCLUSION: Generally, the values obtained for the physico-mechanical properties increased with an increase in modifiers from 10% to 40% modification in the two samples. Though, Agbabu is preferable and economical due to the percentage yield for road construction.

Graphical Abstract

Performance optimization in bitumen properties from different sources modified with shredded tier waste


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Tehran Municipality: Tehran Urban Research and Planning Center

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