
1 The European Academy of Sciences Ltd, London, UK

2 Scientific Research Institute of Energy Efficient Technologies and Materials Science, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, Ukraine

3 Department of Finance and Accounting, Open International University of Human Development, Kyiv, Ukraine

4 Department of Smart Economics, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Kyiv, Ukraine


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The economic consequences of the introduction of digital technologies are projected both at the level of electricity market participants and at the level of the state as a whole. As a result of the introduction of intelligent electricity metering it is possible to achieve energy savings of 20 % and solve the problem of transparency of energy flows of the national economy (information asymmetry). The purpose of the work is to substantiate the organizational-economic management of the national integrated intelligent energy system of the country in the conditions of the digital economy.
METHODS: Statistical analysis for technical-economic analysis of the functioning of the national energy system, technological forecasting and foresight for assessment of future changes in the architecture of energy systems, economic-mathematical modeling and scenario analysis for comparative assessment of future development of separate energy technologies.
FINDINGS: Forecasting of development of macrotechnologies in the energy sector is carried out, points of bifurcation of competitiveness of various energy technologies are defined. Assessments of economic consequences of introduction of digital technologies in energy systems both at the level of energy market entities, and at the national level are carried out. In the presence of own generating capacity, the consumer becomes an active participant (producer) in the electricity market, which in turn reduces system technological losses and economic costs of suppliers in the expansion of energy grids.
CONCLUSION: For generation companies, the effect lies in reduction of operating costs of up to USD 2 billion annually by smoothing the load schedule in Slovakia. Significant results can be achieved in the electricity distribution sector, in particular by reducing electricity losses by 50 % and reducing equipment maintenance and repair costs by 10 %. It was suggested to consider the technological platform as a business model for the digital development of the infrastructural sectors of the economy, in particular, the digitalization of the energy infrastructure. The authors developed the structure and presented the opportunities of the technological platform for the introduction of an intelligent energy system in Slovakia. Proposals for the implementation of the concept of an intelligent energy network as part of the digital transformation of the economy of Slovakia were developed.

Graphical Abstract

Formation of the intelligent energy system based on digital technologies in urban management


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