
Department of Environment, West Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Construction projects are one of the most important economic sectors in the world. At the same time, these projects are one of the hazardous industries that cause many accidents resulting from injuries and deaths, occupational diseases, delay in time, environmental problems and other direct and indirect damages. While in many industries, the issue of health, safety and environment is meticulously planned as an important and structured topic, in construction projects this is not taken seriously. Therefore, the vital role of the Health, Safety and Environment staff would be meaningless without sufficient power. The current study examined the status of Health, Safety and Environment authorities in construction projects and their impact on the performance indicators of this sector. Eight indicators were identified in relation to the main research question and the relationship between Health, Safety and Environment authority delegation and the eight performance indicators. Out of these significant relationships, authority delegation had the maximum correlation (0.690) with environmental health status and the least correlation was observed with per capita disease (-0.513). The results of the data analysis showed that the terms of discretion of the Health, Safety and Environment authorities in construction projects are inadequate. Managers of this field trust authorities with higher academic degrees and give them more authority.


Main Subjects


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