
Department of Planning and Development, Kisii University, Kenya


Although a substantial body of research concurs that most urban areas have a challenge in providing adequate car parking space, there is a scarcity in the literature on how conformity to planning standards that regulates the provision of car parking spaces may be analyzed. This study, therefore, examines the extent to which the planning standards that regulate compliance with the provision of car parking spaces in the residential areas are enforced in Kenya, a case study of Kisii Town. It is anchored in the theory of regulatory compliance with a sample size of 364 residential developments proportionately drawn from the seven neighborhoods. Data were collected using questionnaires and analyzed using means, standard deviation, paired sample t-test and Pearson’s bivariate correlation. Research findings showed that although the recommended standard for car parking in Kenya is a ratio of one parking space for every two dwelling units, most developers disregarded the requirement. Hypothesis testing confirmed a significant difference between the recommended planning standards on the minimum number of parking spaces and the extent of conformity by developers, t (289) = 20.261, p=.000), thus, compliance declined by a mean of four. The study concludes that developers rarely comply with planning standard owing to insufficient development control. It is recommended that when approving building plans, it should be mandatory to make provision for adequate parking space followed by monitoring to ensure compliance. The study benefits the international readers by validating how conformity to the standards that regulate car parking space may be statistically analyzed.


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