Document Type : REVIEW PAPER


Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute, Arusha, Tanzania


This article has been retracted at the request of Mark Burgman, the Editor-in-Chief of Conservation Biology. Unfortunately it has been found out that Goodluck Peter Massawe from Tanzania wildlife research institute, as the corresponding author and his co-authors; Liseki, S.D.; Marealle, W.N.. in their published article as “Urban expansion as a driver of biodiversity loss: Integrating biodiversity in urban planning in African context” was published at the International Journal of Human Capital in Urban Management (IJHCUM) have largely copied from an article which has been recently published in Conservation Biology (Kylie Soanes; Michael Sievers; Yung En Chee; Nicholas S. G. Williams; Manisha Bhardwaj; Adrian J. Marshall; Kirsten M. Parri, 2018: Correcting common misconceptions to inspire conservation action in urban environments) without proper cross-referencing, permission and justification. The scientific community takes a very strong view in this matter and apologies are offered to readers of IJHCUM.


Main Subjects

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