Document Type : CASE STUDY


Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran


Justice has always been a controversial issue and it is difficult to agree on its definition and dimensions. According to some experts, in order to establish justice a criterion should be defined for each blessing, gift or each area and transportation can be considered as one of these areas. In this study, in order to investigate the justice status in the distribution of urban transportation services, five criteria of equal opportunity, difference, need, participation in public interest and entitlement were determined as the criterion for the subsequent investigations. The use of these criteria was based on different views and perspectives, and in addition, a number of them have been used in other studies. The numerical taxonomy was used to assess the status of Tehran metropolitan areas in terms of relative level of transportation development. The main objective of this study was to find out the extent to which the urban transportation services were equally distributed at the metropolitan level in Tehran. Comparison and investigation of justice among Tehran's metropolitan areas also indicated that on the one hand, there are significant inequalities among the sectors in terms of space and, on the other hand, the distribution of the part of facilities examined in this study is not in favor of the deprived areas and benefits the advantaged regions. Finally, in the conclusion section , the implications of this situation were addressed and the strategies that can be taken into account in this regard were taken into consideration.


Main Subjects

Deputy of Traffic and Transportation of Tehran, (2015). Review of Tehran Comprehensive Transportation and Traffic Project. Tehran: Traffic and Transportation Deputy of Tehran Municipality. (In Persian)


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