Document Type : CASE STUDY


1 Department of Planning and training, Tehran Municipality, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of human resource management,Tehran municipality


The current research is trying to identify the effective modules (system modules) that form the integrated e-learning dashboard for educational processes and learning opportunities based on ISO 29990 in the municipality of Tehran. The educational process management system, which is currently providing classroom training services, is able to improve the situation by incorporating integrated management systems for human resources development processes. Based on the conceptual model, the construction of the four main factors, the process of management system, the learning management system, evaluation and effectiveness system, the employee competence development system are marked as the factors that included in the electronic management dashboard of learning processes are in interaction with their constructive components, which, according to the problem and research questions, they were tested in terms of factor load and their effect on each other after defining the variables in the software and recording data using factor analysis and multiple regression at a meaningful level. The most influential factors with the 0.875 was the Process Management System, and other factors with the difference in impact levels being prioritized in the next rankings. Also, the fit of the whole model was calculated based on the relevant index along with the validity of the research structure and the result were positively evaluated.


Main Subjects


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