
1 Department of Environment, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood Branch, Shahrood, Iran

2 Department of Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Shahrood Branch, Shahrood, Iran


Quantitative and qualitative monitoring and evaluation of risk management programs will play an important role in the development of Tehran metropolitan railway transport. Considering the tectonic studies, seismic zones, land degradation and faults in north and south of Tehran, the development of underground railway lines, the assessment of the vulnerability of subway stations and the escalation of the crisis with the destruction of urban exhausted earthquakes is very important with the occurrence of earthquake and flood. This study, focusing on the issue of risk assessment and vulnerability of the development of the rail transport network and the approach to physical and aerospace hazard monitoring of metro stations. For this purpose, three selected metro stations in Tehran were studied. In the research, a combined method based on library studies, review of records and records, Delphi technique, AHP method, and overlaying of layers have been used. The results of the vulnerability assessment indicate that each of Tajirish, Nawab and Darvazeh Shemiran, with a risk number of 5.10, 5.76, and 5.79, are in the risk limit range, respectively. In fact, all stations need to adopt smart measures and management and executive solutions to reduce potential damage.


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