
1 Department of Urban planning, Faculty of Architecture and Urban planning, University of Tehran, Kish International Campus, Kish, Iran

2 Department of Urban planning, Faculty of Urban planning, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: According to global statistics, the amount of energy consumption in recent decades has grown uncontrollably and maximally due to the energy consumption in urban fabrics, except for transportation, which is clearly the quality of placement and construction of building masses in the context of urban morphology is more important. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the components of energy consumption in urban settlements based on the urban morphological model`s sustainability.
METHODS: Research in terms of structure was analytical-descriptive, which in terms of the main purpose, was a type of applied and developmental research. The method of data collection was as documentation and using Bing Map data reference and data generation with Arc GIS software and 3D modeling with Google SketchUp software, the dimensions and indicators of which were extracted in the form of figure ground. Case study sample on a scale of 150 by 150 as an isolated urban fabric in the explained scales, different building configurations, the common types of which have been selected and simulated according to the form structure of Khorramshahr urban settlements. Energy considerations were also assessed using energy analysis software with an urban climate analytical approach such as Climate Consultant and Envi-Met.
FINDINGS: The results showed that assigning a ranking weight to each morphotype for each parameter, the average weight of each case, which includes all 5 parameters, indicates the rank position of morphotypes in Khorramshahr. From four types studied, High-rise buildings with an average of 3.13 worst impact and detached housing with an average of 1.93 have the best impact on the microclimate formed around them, which obviously energy efficiency according to climatic indicators and microclimate metrics can be emphasized the principle of optimal limit.
CONCLUSION: the findings of the current research showed the energy consumption status according to the evaluation of morphological variables. It was the morphotypes as well as the climatic parameters that have determined the specific results of each case and also provided the appropriate type and rating. In future research, by explaining the optimal model of urban fabric stability model based on the concept of sustainable morphology, each morphotypes in the optimal state can be evaluated.

Graphical Abstract

Evaluation of the energy consumption mechanism of settlements in urban morphology context


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