
Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


This research has been conducted with the aim of analyzing the spatial distribution of existing cultural land use in district 3 of Tehran Municipality and proposal for new site selection for cultural land use in this district. After studying previous researches on the issues of land use and site selection, 13 indicators for locating cultural land use were identified then by using distance mapping and according to their compatibility or incompatibility with cultural land use, land valuation was obtained. By overlaying data layers and applying their weight using Geographical Information Systems, the best places for new cultural land use were specified. The results showed that distribution of cultural land use in district 3 of Tehran is not desirable in terms of proper site selection and these places have been chosen randomly and without prior planning. So after investigating suitable sites for construction of cultural centers, optimal sites in accordance and matching with ground realities were identified, And finally proposal to create new cultural centers in the region were prioritized The research methodology was descriptive-analytical.


Main Subjects

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