
1 Department of Public Administration, Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Public Administration, West Tehran branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Industrial Management, South Tehran branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Open governance is considered an important tool to solve complicated issues in countries, increase efficiency, and build public trust based on indicators like information transparency and public participation using Information and Communication Technologies. Therefore, considering that no research with this title has been conducted in Iran, this research was studied in the municipalities of Tehran Province, Iran, with the aim of identifying the factors that constitute open governance in Iran's public institutions.
METHODS: The present study is mixed-method research. In the qualitative part, interviews and theme analysis were used, while the quantitative part used a descriptive method. The study population in the qualitative section consisted of university experts and specialists who were knowledgeable about the subject of the study. Purposive sampling was used, and after conducting 20 interviews, theoretical saturation was achieved. This study was conducted in the first half of 2023. The study population in the quantitative section consisted of all senior managers of municipalities in Tehran Province, estimated to be around 440 individuals. Using the Cochran formula, 205 individuals were selected as the sample. Data was collected using both library and field methods. A 23-item questionnaire with a Likert scale was constructed, and validity and reliability were checked in all sections. SPSS-24 software was used for the descriptive part, and Smart PLS 3 software was used for analysis, including Pearson's correlation test, one-sample t-test, and structural equation modeling.
FINDINGS: The findings indicated that the dimensions of open data, open service and open process were found for the establishment of open cooperation. By performing the first-order factor analysis, the factor loadings between the indicators and dimensions of the model were in a favorable condition. On the other hand, in the second-order factor analysis, the factors open data, open service, and open process were determined at 0.964, 0.968, and 0.955, respectively, which were considered significant according to Student’s t-test.
CONCLUSION: Three key factors are needed to establish open governance. The open process includes policy changes, approval of necessary regulations, modification of organizational structures and activities. Providing open service, including systems and platforms that allow greater participation of civil society and other urban actors. Open data includes publishing public data, reporting on the performance of managers and public institutions in established platforms.


Main Subjects


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Tehran Urban Research and Planning Center: Tehran Municipality

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