
1 Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Economics, Management and Accounting, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran

2 Department of Business and Economics, Persian Gulf University, Bushehr, Iran


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The employee's experience during employment can play a very important role in various aspects of the employee-employer relationship and subsequently in the personal improvement of the employee and the development and progress of the organization. Due to the fact that so far, the experience of employees has not been measured with regard to the effect of job satisfaction, workplace and organizational culture, this research has innovation. Therefore, the purpose of this research is the identifying the dimensions of employee experience according to the effect of satisfaction, workplace, and organizational culture.
METHODS: This study is applied and descriptive. The statistical population consisted of employees of the municipality of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmed provinces. The statistical population of the research included 823 municipal employees, which was estimated to be 260 for the statistical sample according to the online Cochran formula. The researcher-made questionnaire was compiled according to the research literature and sent to the statistical sample through the porsline link of the questionnaire.  For content validity, the evaluation of scientific and executive experts who are aware of the subject and society showed that the questions of the questionnaire evaluate the variables and their relationships well. In the measurement model, the internal consistency of the model or reliability has been measured by calculating Cronbach's alpha coefficient and shared reliability. To measure divergent validity, Fornell and Larcker criteria were used. Data analysis was done using the software of structural equations of Lisrel.
FINDINGS: Convergent validity and Cronbach's alpha were used to fit the measurement. The convergent validity was higher than the standard value of 0.5, which was acceptable for all variables. Cronbach's alpha was higher than the standard value of 0.7, which was acceptable for all variables. The t-statistic was used to test the hypotheses. The amount of t-statistic for culture and satisfaction variable was more than the acceptable limit, i.e. 1.96, which means that these two hypotheses have been confirmed. The value of t statistic was less than acceptable and this hypothesis was rejected.
CONCLUSION: Considering the relationship between organizational culture and job satisfaction with employee experience, there is a need for managers to try to carry out activities or make decisions that increase employee job satisfaction and improve and make organizational culture more effective in order to create an effective experience and be efficient for employees.


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