
1 Department of Management, Roudehen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roudehen, Iran

2 Department of Management and Economics, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, zanjan, Iran

3 Department of Public Administration, South Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: As of present, Green Human Resource Management holds a paramount standing as a crucial business strategy among noteworthy organizations and enterprises, in which Human Resource Department play a vital role. Taking an affirmative role in adopting sustainable practices within the workplace is paramount towards promoting an eco-friendly Environment. As the most prominent entities within societies, organizations possess the capacity to diminish environmental degradation through their undertakings, thereby constituting one of the avenues towards effecting environmentally conscious human resource management within organizational settings. To enact green human resources management within an enterprise, it is essential to identify and establish the key necessities for realizing such a program in the organization. Aligned with the social obligation that rests with organizational executives, they ought to proffer their aspirations, objectives and obligations towards cultivating an environmentally conscious entity. Such stewardship can ameliorate the potential constraints on future demands for ecological resources. In Iran, the field of green human resource management has received limited attention in the extant literature. Thus, the present investigation aimed to identify and rank the critical prerequisites for effectively implementing green human resources management within an organization. Green human resource management involves the utilization of human resource management principles and practices to facilitate more sustainable and eco-friendly use of organizational resources, as well as the promotion and encouragement of environmentally responsible initiatives. The aim of this study is to enhance the environmental quality through the enhancement of the ecological practices of organizations. This can be achieved by identifying and incorporating environmentally sustainable human resource management strategies in organizational operations. The study has successfully identified and prioritized determinants of effective green human resource management within organizational contexts, through utilization of the Fuzzy Network Analysis Process method.
METHODS: The study method is mixed exploratory. The statistical population of this study included 30 experts in the Municipality of Tehran. In this study, the targeted sampling method was used. In this study, based on the research background and expert opinions from the two categories of organizational culture and skills, the influencing factors of green personnel management based on sustainable development were identified and a total of 11 sub-criteria for the main categories were defined. The data collection tool was a questionnaire designed based on the Delphi technique and finally analyzed using the fuzzy method.
FINDINGS: The results showed that organizational culture is the main factor in creating green human resources management with an average of 4.58, followed by skills with an average of 4.49.
CONCLUSION: Green human resource management refers to activities that involve the development, implementation and ongoing maintenance of a system that leads to the greening of the company's employees. In this context, regular employees should become green employees; So that they can reach the organization's environmental donation and ultimately make a significant contribution to environmental sustainability. By promoting the organizational culture and identified skills, employee participation, aligning environmental programs with the organization's environmental goals, supporting senior management and providing sufficient budgets and resources, it is possible to improve green human resource management in Tehran municipal organization.


Main Subjects


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Tehran Urban Research and Planning Center: Tehran Municipality


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