
Department of Transport Management Technology, Federal University of Technology Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The significance of road mobility in any nation cannot be far-fetched or beyond economic purpose, spatial interaction and social integration. It contributes enormously to the livelihood of human existence most especially by facilitating regional complementarity of trade, intervening opportunities, and spatial transferability. The objective of this study was to examine the influence of road transport quality on urban dwellers’ satisfaction in Kogi state, Nigeria.
METHODS: The study adopted a survey research design and systematic sampling method to elucidate primary data through questionnaire from 1215 respondents.
FINDING: It was revealed that the status of the road network has an influence on the transport rate charge per trip at a correlation value of 0.998 and significant value of 0.000; and on the comfort derived from the passengers at correlation value of 0.545 and significant value of 0.000. The provision of transport scheme has an influence on the transport rate charge per trip at the correlation value of 0.905 and significant value of 0.000; and on the quality of road transport comfort at a correlation value of 0.523 and significant value of 0.000. The timely response of road maintenance and sub road infrastructure maintenance has an influence on the transport rate charge per trip at a correlation value of 0.545 and significant value of 0.000; and on the quality of road transport comfort at correlation value of 0.912 and significant value of 0.000. The communication link between the agencies in charge of road transport and the people in the study area influences the compliance of road transport operators with road safety rules and regulations at a correlation value of 0.565 and significant value of 0.000.
CONCLUSION: The condition of the vehicle has a great impact on the level of comfort.    


Main Subjects



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