Document Type : CASE STUDY


1 Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Marine Science and Technology, North Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Humanities science, Yadegar-e-Imam Khomeini (RAH), Shahre Rey Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Today, many factors and forces influence urban development and its organization. The uncontrolled development of cities and their uneven growth is due to various political, physical, economic, social and cultural processes. The purpose of this study is to evaluate and analyze the mechanisms affecting the urban development of Boroujerd city and its sphere of influence
METHODS: The research method is structural-analytical-descriptive, which is the main purpose of applied research by collecting data, analytical, quantitative, and documentary methods that have been used to explain the conceptual framework of research in the form of indicators. Delphi method was also used with emphasis on fuzzy logic.
FINDINGS: The results of regression analysis showed that the correlation coefficient of the variable of land exchange on Boroujerd urban development was equal to 0.740 and also the level of activity of this city in the two economic sectors of industry and services is of basic type and showed a higher value than other urban areas of the province and also unemployment index shows that city has less unemployment (19.3%) than other cities in the province and the average rate of the province (23.9%).
On the other hand, the impact of factors and indicators of natural population growth in Boroujerd in the field of urban development was 1.97, which was a small part of urban population growth and development.
CONCLUSION: Economic and social indicators have an undeniable role in the formation and development of the city and its sphere of influence and should be considered by city officials and stakeholders. So based on the development of policies such as Planning to organize the privacy and preventing the settlement of immigrants, prevent the land mechanism and also new development patterns can solve the future matters of the city.


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Municipality of Tehran


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