
Department of Public administration, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The European Foundation for Quality Management excellence model includes a framework for evaluating the improvement of organizations that excellence organizations must achieve them. Also, business intelligence as a management philosophy and tool helps organization to achieve enduring advantage and organization excellence. Therefore, the purpose of the present study is to investigating the impact of business intelligence on enablers of excellence model with using the mediating role of knowledge sharing.
METHODS: According to purpose, the research method is applied and based on data collection is descriptive-survey. The statistical population of this study includes employees of Marvdasht Banks at the Fars province in Iran that 127 respondents were selected based on group sampling. Research data were collected using standard questionnaires (enablers of excellence model questionnaire, Popovic questionnaire for business intelligence and Wang questionnaire for Knowledge sharing) and analyzed through structural equation modeling by Smart-PLS.
FINDING: Results showed that business intelligence has a positive and significant direct and indirect effect on enablers of excellence model. The direct effect of business intelligence on enablers of excellence model is equal to 0.482. The indirect effect of business intelligence on enablers of excellence model with the mediating role of Knowledge sharing is equal to 0.780. Also,the indirect effect of knowledge sharing on enablers of excellence model is equal to 0.410.The indirect effect of business intelligence on Knowledge sharing is equal to 0.726.
CONCLUSION: Considering the research community, it can be said that in order to increase organizational excellence, bank managers should pay special attention to the variables of business intelligence and knowledge sharing and take action towards business intelligence by integrating data, increasing analytical capacity, increasing information quality, access quality of information and analytical decision-making. With these proceedings, not only affect knowledge sharing in the organization, but also increase organizational excellence.


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