
1 Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship, Sumy National Agrarian University, Sumy, 40000, Ukraine

2 2Department of Marketing and Logistics, Faculty of Economics and Management, Sumy National Agrarian University, Sumy, 40000, Ukraine

3 3Department of Trade Enterprise and Logistics, State University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, 02156, Ukraine

4 Department of History and Socio-Economic Disciplines, Faculty of Social and Pedagogical Sciences and Foreign Philology, Municipal establishment "Kharkiv Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy" of the Kharkiv regional council, Kharkiv, 61000, Ukraine


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: In the context of global challenges and local conflicts, the sustainable development of united territorial communities took on special importance. Amid military conflict, united territorial communities encountered numerous economic, social, and environmental problems. This research builds on resilience and sustainable development theories and proposes that with appropriate support, united territorial communities can evolve into hubs of innovation and entrepreneurship even under conditions of conflict. The study necessitated the creation of strategies and programs for sustainable development and adaptation to new conditions, positing that united territorial communities, with proper development and support, could harness these challenges to foster significant entrepreneurial and innovative activities. The study’s objective was to analyze the potential of united territorial communities for innovation and sustainable development in conflict conditions and to develop recommendations for supporting entrepreneurship and infrastructure development.
METHODS: To achieve the objective, a variety of methods were utilized, including multi-regression, multifactor, correlational, and comparative analysis. All analyses were carried out using STATISTICA software (version 13).
FINDINGS: The research results confirmed the hypotheses, indicating the significant potential of united territorial communities for initiating innovative projects and developing entrepreneurial initiatives. Specifically, it was discovered that the level of institutional capability and sustainable development could increase by 43.7% with the integration of effective support programs. Crucial elements impacting sustainability were pinpointed, with investments in environmental projects showing an 85% variance, socio-demographic stability exhibiting a 92.8% variance, and the development and implementation of programs for small and medium-sized business development reflecting a 92.9% variance. This demonstrated the potential for enhancing the budget efficiency of territorial communities by up to 56.4%, representing a substantial incentive for recovery and progress in the post-conflict period.
CONCLUSION: Recommendations included developing targeted programs to support innovations in the agricultural sector, tourism, and eco-initiatives, which could catalyze attracting investments and improve the quality of life in territorial communities. The importance of integrating modern technologies, supporting local entrepreneurship, and developing infrastructure were key elements for the sustainable development of united territorial communities in conflict conditions. The developed recommendations could facilitate the formation of effective development strategies for territorial communities.

Graphical Abstract

Sustainable development of united territorial communities during the conflict: turning challenges into opportunities


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