
Department of Geography, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai, Nigeria


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: This study evaluated temperature and urban heat island variability in days of the week and weekends of Port Harcourt city, due to the continuous heat stress and resultant health disaster common in tropical countries such as Nigeria.
METHODS: The data were generated from field observation and Satellite Remote Sensing using Google Earth Engine of Landsat 5, 7, and 8 thermal infrared sensors. Temperature data from the field were captured with LCD Digital Multi-Thermometer Loggers located at different land-use types of 35 sample points in wet and dry seasons. Analysis of Variance was used to establish the temperature difference between days of the week and weekend.
FINDINGS: The rural site during days of the week had temperature of 29.30C and the weekend had 29.50C indicating a concentration of human activities at the rural fringes during the weekend. The temperature of Saturday and Sunday varied between 33.20C and 27.60C (5.60C) with an urban heat island difference of 1.90C. Saturday was the coolest day having 3.70C. During days of the week, Monday had the highest UHI of 70C with the least UHI of 4.20C recorded on Friday showing the coolest day. The temperature difference between days of the week and weekend was 0.20C and UHI variation of 0.40C indicating that days of the week were warmer. The result showed that temperature in days of the week and the weekend differed significantly.
CONCLUSION: It was established that days of the week contributed 52% of the temperature condition of Port Harcourt city and weekend donated 48% showing that 3,095,342 occupants of the city experienced lesser thermal stress during the weekend. Thus, the study concluded that the temperature of urban areas decreased from the city center to the rural fringes. The land surface temperature indicated that the north-eastern part of the city was the warmest. The study recommends proactive city planning and management framework with effective urban greening implementation for a healthy city living.


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NPC, (2017). Administrative Division. Nigeria: Author.                     


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