Document Type : REVIEW PAPER


Department of Transport Management Technology, Federal University of Technology Akure, Nigeria


With the modern development and increasing competitiveness of air transport business processes, the management of knowledge is essential most especially for air transport managers. This controls compounded phases of the organization which begins with the fabrication of organisational strategy towards value creation and improving customers` experience. This study was to explore the review on the impact of knowledge management in the Nigerian air transport sector. Knowledge management is the extent to which improved business performance is realizable. The empirical reveals that the importance of knowledge management in the air transport sector is driven by the increasing level of technological change; the changing dynamics of market forces; complex nature, and expansion of air transport sector; information technology which enhances the collection, analysing, recording and transfer or sharing of information, data or facts within the organisation; and the achievement of competitive advantage through cost and schedule leadership. In the situation whereby an organization does not embark on knowledge management practice, and they planned to expand the scope or dimension of the organization, the expansion will be the sinking sand and the hole where the organization will bury all the knowledge resources and organization will be rendered bankrupt.


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