
School of Water Resource Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India


Degradation of urban environment and health hazard is directly associated with the unscientific handling of Municipal solid waste of India. Urbanization also contribute intensify Municipal solid waste generation. Source segregation of solid waste not only the fact to converge but also possible in maximum resource recovery from the waste. Waste management is a problem due to the ineffective management of waste and lack of knowledge of waste management. The main aim of the evaluation is to understand why and how communities can be approached survey and communicated and convicted towards a more suitable more sustainable and inclusive waste management system in Gurugram of India. All the Housing society of the Gurugram do not sort at all. The government agency responsible for the final management of solid waste does not have any practice to segregation the waste to achieving material recovery. The total waste generation in Gurugram area is 7418 kg per day from 5752 number of house hold. The waste segregation is the main challenges for the Municipal waste management system. The results revealed that average 81 percent of solid waste is just dumping in the land filled site without material recovery.


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