Document Type : CASE STUDY


Geography and Urban Planning Department, Faculty of Planning and Environmental Sciences, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran


New Urbanism design principles have been adopted for many urban planning efforts in recent years. The purpose of this paper is studding the structure and space of Shahid Beheshti Square as one of the most important and old squares of Tabriz from the view of new urbanism principals. In order to reaching this purpose the data were collected through a questionnaire distributed among peoples that attend in Shahid Beheshti square and an Exploratory Factor Analysis using Principal Component Analysis was carried out and to reaching to the accurate data interview used as supplementary method. The results show that among the new urbanism design principles, Increased Density is the only principle that observed in study area and Green Space, Mixed Housing and Connectivity are the principles that have the low factor load. Actually the urban space in square is not designed based on new urbanism principles and failed to satisfy the satisfaction of the people to the use of space.


Main Subjects

Morris, W., (2008). New urbanism: An overview and Australian examples. Australian council for new urbanism.


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