
1 Department of Public Management, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran

2 Department of Management and Economics, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVES: Quick advancement of technology, rising risks, globalization, and expectations for privatization are among the environmental characteristics that current organizations are facing. To be successful in this setting, lean human resources provide a competitive advantage, which its implementation results in the continuous removal of wastes (obstacles) and the high-quality and low-cost providing of services. Therefore, the objective of the current study is to Evaluation of lean human resource management model in the Islamic Council of Tehran. Tehran''s City Council as a service organization must reform the structure of Human Resource to increase the skills of employee, so this study aimed to changing the approach of Human Resource Management to Lean and increasing the productivity.
METHODS: The present study uses a quantitative approach. This article has a “descriptive-correlational” methodology of the type of “analysis of variance-covariance matrix”. In other words, the relationship between variables is analyzed based on the purpose of the research. The survey was carried out in the form of a desk and field research. The research model was extracted via analysis and interpretation of the interviews with the experts of the Islamic City Council of Tehran by employing the thematic analysis method and four rounds of the Delphi technique. Eventually, the measurement model and the structural model to assess the relationships between variables, as well as confirm the developed model, were examined utilizing the data gained from the Islamic City Council of Tehran.
FINDINGS: On the basis of the findings achieved from the structural equation modeling, the items "Performance Appraisal" with a factor loading of 0.89, "Employment" with a factor loading of 0.91, "Improvement" with a factor loading of 0.77, "Remuneration" with a factor loading of 0.87, "Supply" with a factor loading of 0.92, "Compensation System (Benefits and Rewards)" with a factor loading of 0.84, "Flow" with a factor loading of 0.76, "Relationships" with a factor loading of 0.79, and "Maintenance" with a factor loading of 0.86 explain the latent variable of the "lean human resource management model in the Islamic City Council of Tehran".
CONCLUSION: Results of this investigation have presented a comprehensive model for the evaluation of the lean human resources management in Tehran''s City Council that could be exploited by industrialists and scholars.
The LHRM model has not been designed and localized for Tehran''s City Council up to now. Therefore, this research enhances the existing knowledge about LHRM.


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