
1 Department of Public Administration, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Entrepreneurship Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Rapid technological advances, widespread globalization advances, and the strong desire of people to change their career paths make the question of job and career path selection and decision making, and future predictions important today. Future work self is a new concept in the career path process that originates from the postmodern approach that has entered in the field of management in the last ten years and organizations that guide and manage individual career paths need to understand the factors that influence career path design. Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim of designing and explaining models of factors that influence the design of career paths by the postmodern approach.
METHOD: This study is a mixed method (qualitative-quantitative) in terms of development goal. First, library methods, scientific texts and related articles, and internal and external research on the topic were reviewed, followed by qualitative interviews with the participation of 15 professors, experts and the middle management of Municipality of Tehran in the field of human resource management, psychology, career counseling and, which were selected by purposive sampling method, was performed. The data of this stage were collected with the help of semi-structured interviews and analyzed by the Thematic analysis method. The statistical population of the quantitative section included experts of human resources of the Municipality of Tehran, who were familiar with the subject of research, from which 94 people were selected by simple random method. The data of this stage were collected with the help of a questionnaire and analyzed using structural equation modeling.
RESULTS: At the individual level, 38 keywords in the form of 9 Sub-themes and 3 Main-themes, which were: self-concept, job concern, personality, and at the environmental level, 46 keywords, in the form of 16 Sub-themes, and 6 Main-themes, which were: key personalities, family circumstances, educational conditions, community conditions, media and technology and political conditions were extracted from the interviews. Findings from double confirmatory factor analysis showed that the factor numbers are all greater than 0.4 and the significance of the relationship between indices, components and constituent dimensions has been confirmed and all items had a t-statistic greater than 1.96, so none of the items were removed from the model and in total, all coefficients were significant at the 95% level. And the study of model fit indices and the result of 0.573 showed a strong fit of the model.
CONCLUSION: According to the results of this study, individual factors (self-concept, job concern and personality) and environmental factors (key personalities, family conditions, educational conditions, community conditions, media and technology and political conditions) that affect the formation of career path were identified and the effect of these factors was determined through the model.


Main Subjects


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Municipality of Tehran


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