Document Type : CASE STUDY


1 Department of Human Resources Management, Amin University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Scientific-Applied Institute of Tehran Municipality, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Tehran Urban Planning and Research Center, Municipality of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Management experts believe that in order to achieve competitive advantage, Human resource management is the most important factor, because human capital according to characteristics such as: scarcity, value creation, irreplaceability and imitation, it is different from other organizational assets. Due to the importance of human resource management, this study seeks to describe the 100-year historical trend of human resource management in the world, Iran and Municipality of Tehran.
METHOD: In this research, the philosophy of interpretive research, inductive research approach, historical research strategy are selected and the method of data collection is library and field with document review tools and semi-structured interviews. The historical sources studied in this research include: theoretical literature of human resources, laws and regulations of human resources in different periods of the municipality, employment regulations, strategic documents and human resources and five-year development plans of Tehran. For this purpose, non-random and purposeful sampling was performed from the research community, which includes senior managers of human resources of Municipality of Tehran, who have been in charge since 1987. In this way, 10 people were interviewed. Data analysis was performed by qualitative content analysis.
FINDINGS: Human resource management in the world can be divided into 10 periods: before the Industrial Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, the emergence of modern companies, scientific management, social welfare movement, industrial psychology, World War I. After World War II, industrial relations divided the emergence of the field of human resource management, strategic focus on human resource management and human resource management in the era of cloud and mobile technology. The study of the historical trend of human resource management in Iran has been influenced by the employment laws of the country in 1922, 1966 and 2007 and according to it, the country is witnessing a change in human resource management from traditional (administrative and recruitment) to specialized and professional (strategic). Human resource management in Municipality of Tehran in the framework of the mission, development programs and development documents of human resources in the direction of playing administrative (recruitment, selection, promotion) and executive roles (training, development, empowerment, succession) has taken many steps and with simultaneous focus on inside and outside the organization, has moved towards urban Human resource management.
CONCLUSION: The results of the research provide important information about the historical course of Human resource management in three levels of the world, Iran and Municipality of Tehran, and by studying it, the gap between human resource management activities and measures are achieved.


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