Document Type : REVIEW PAPER


Department of Economics, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: According to the path of economic growth theories, especially the introduction of endogenous growth theories to address the shortcomings of extrinsic theories, the economic systems in order to achieve long-term economic growth goals need to drive stimuli and improve endogenous components that originate, crystallize, and evolve within these systems. Some endogenous growth models have stated that one country could be more successful than another if it devoted more resources to innovation. So today, the study of how to create innovation in various economic systems has become a challenging issue in the world’s economic circles.
METHODS: Using the Meta- synthesis method, 19645 sources were collected between 1997 and March 2020 related to the urban innovation system, and after 7 steps and classification of resources, finally, 10 sources were selected and based on the coding method, the ten mentioned sources were coded. The estimated kappa coefficient indicates the reliability of the selected codes.
FINDINGS: The paradigm model of the urban innovation system was extracted based on the performed codes. This model can be used as a pivotal model in future studies.
CONCLUSION: An innovation system that can be implemented and applied in urban geography overcomes many urban, regional, and even national problems. Since this study examines the theory of Urban Innovation System, it can be expected that the results of this study can bring a positive step to determine the specifications and measures needed to create, sustain, and expand urban innovation systems.


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