
1 Department of Public Administration, Firuzkuh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Firuzkuh, Iran

2 Entrepreneurship and Commercialization Research Center, Department of Management, Semnan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Semnan, Iran


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: There are two basic reasons, namely, the country's preparedness for the leap and economic pressure, it proves that rural areas need effort and entrepreneurship, more than any other era. The objective of this study was to identify the effective factors in the development of entrepreneurship in rural areas with emphasis on Jihadist management indicators.
METHODS: The study is a descriptive research based on the method and an applied in terms of purpose and is of the correlation type. The population include all social, cultural, and economic and management experts were considered. The sampling method is stratified random and the sample size of 93 people which are selected by random stratified method. To conduct this research, 100 questionnaires were distributed among 100 members of the community, of which 93 questionnaires could be returned.  The Structural Equation Model was used for inferential analysis.
FINDING: The results of the study shows that geographical factors, scientific-technological and Jihadi Management factors with coefficients of 36.1%, 27.2% and 67% (respectively)  have related with entrepreneurship development significantly, in rural regions. Also, economic, socio-cultural and individual factors with coefficients have affected entrepreneurship development less than 5% and have a weak relationship with entrepreneurship in the research areas.
CONCLUSION:Findings show that jihadi entrepreneurship includes three components of jihadi spirit, jihadi motivation and jihadi movement as a central category of rural entrepreneurship and the categories of causal, contextual, interventionist, strategic and consequences are in line with jihadi entrepreneurship.


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